Oki Tenugui Nari Saiga Kabuto Iki-Ningyo Head Stand by Iron Mountain Armory
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Gomai Do Yoroi Taisho

Original price was: $6,324.99.Current price is: $5,694.95.

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T50 – Gomai Do Yoroi Taisho

    Extra Design Options


Gomai Do Yoroi is a samurai armor set with the chest armor consisting of five sections – front, side, back and two half pieces under the right arm. They are all joined together using four hinges. The gomai do (G0-mai Do) is perhaps the most evolved form of samurai armor produced during the Sengoku Era.  It is very durable, robust, easy to repair or modify as needed.  Different clans used their own style of gomai yoroi which where adapted to fit their specific needs, most notably was the Date clan which used a specific style of gomai dou called Yukinoshita or Sendai dou.  This style of samurai cuirass is based on a “yokohagi-okegawa” do design which features ito-mono plating.   It was a popular style of armor because it offered many different options that would change the appearance. It was very robust and comfortable to wear.

This particular Gomai Do Yoroi is crafted by the senior katchu-shi (Japanese armorer) here at Iron Mountain Armory. It features a 8 ken Hari-Bachi kabuto, which is adorned with a removable yak “pony tail” and Kata jiro (decorative brass fittings).  Keeping with the traditional Sengoku Era style of combat armor, we also include a hoata with option to select a different style of mengu (facial armor).  The traditional name for this particular style of samurai yoroi is “Yokohagi-okegawa Gendai Go-mai-do”.

Features: Taisho Quality

  • Traditional fully functional design
  • Custom size, colors and options
  • Has real yak hair
For more information, please review our Order Options Explained, Glossary Terms or FAQ Pages. You can also Contact Us directly. We are always happy to be of service.

References:  The Samurai Armour Glossary  by David Thatcher & Ian Bottomley / Samurai Armour: Volume I: The Japanese Cuirass by Trevor Absolon

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