Samurai Ronin Accessory Kit for COSPLAY and LARP
Samurai Ronin Accessory Kit Original price was: $245.96.Current price is: $189.87. $189.87
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Tokugawa Samurai Clan Kinchaku Hemp Bag by Iron Mountain Armory
Samurai Clan Asa Kinchaku (Hemp Bag) Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $24.95. $24.95

Gashira Battle Samurai Armor

Original price was: $4,999.95.Current price is: $3,749.96. $3,749.96

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GBSA-1 Modern Samurai Armor

  • Each option has a ? next to it. Click or Tap the ? to show a summarized explanation of the option.
    For full explanations please click the "ORDER OPTIONS EXPLAINED" link at the bottom left of the page.

    Select to change, customize or remove the front crest (maedate) on the helmet. You can select a standard brass mon (symbol), your own custom mon / logo or a wooden or brass design. Please reference our "Order Options Explained" page for more details and reference.Crest (Maedate) Example by Iron Mountain Armory

    (Click through the product images to see different Standard Mon Options and referenced number.)

    Select the Color & Finish for your kabuto (top section of helmet).
    Kabuto Color Options by Iron Mountain Armory
    (Click through the product images to see details of different Paint Options.)

    Select the Color & Finish for your Shikoro (Neck Guard).
    Shikoro Color Options by Iron Mountain Armory
    (You can change the BOTTOM PLATE using "Advanced Custom Options" below.)

    Select the Main Lace Color (odoshi) you would like for your Shikoro (neck) and Tare (throat) guard to be.

    Main Lace Color of Kabuto by Iron Mountain Armory

    (You can customize your lace patterns by using the "Advanced Custom Options" below.)

    Add a leather liner inside the helmet.

    Mask Options

    Select your choice of face armor available for your yoroi.  Standard and Ressei Menpo option will give you nose and mustache options.  Henpo and Hoate are without nose option.

    Gashira menpo Options by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select the Color & Finish of your Menpo (Face Armor).
    Menpo Color Finish Option by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select the main Color and Finish you want your menpo's Tare (Throat guard). You can make the bottom plate a different color by using the "Advanced Custom Options" below.

    Tare Color & Finish Option by Iron Mountain Armory

    Add character to your armor by selecting a custom mustache option.menpo mustache options(This option is only available with certain mask / nose styles.)

    Add character to your Henpo or Hoate with a Goatee Beard. Cut the beard to your desired length.
    Mengu Beard Options by Iron Mountain Armory

    Kabuto Ornamental Options

    Add a Kasa Jirushi no Kan (ring with tassel) to the back of a helmet with an Agemaki Bow (a specially knotted cord).Kasa Jirushi No Kan

    Select this option to add a metal trim (fukurin) around the outer edges of your helmet.Fukurin by Iron Mountain Armory
    This option might differ depending on model and/or different options selected.

    Add a symbol (mon) to the ears (fukigaeshi) of your helmet. This can be a standard mon or custom design you can email us in "Clip-Art" format.
    Fukigaeshi by Iron Mountain Armory(Click through the product images to see different Standard Mon Options.)

    Add a horse or yak ponytail to the top of your helmet.Ii Naomasa Taisho Zunari Kabuto
    This option might differ depending on model and/or different options selected.

    Each option has a ? next to it. Click or Tap the ? to show a summarized explanation of the option.
    For full explanations please click the "ORDER OPTIONS EXPLAINED" link at the bottom left of the page.

    Select the Color & Finish of your Do (cuirass).
    Samurai Chest Do Color & Finish Option by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select to change the Kusazuri (Skirt) Color / Finish.

    Kusazuri (Skirt) Color / Finish Options

    (If left blank it will match the MAIN ARMOR COLOR option selected above.)

    Select the LACE (Odoshi) Color you would like for your armor. 
    Odoshi Lace for Samurai Armor by Iron Mountain Armory
    (Click through the product images to see different Lace Colors.)

    Select the material to be used on your Tate-Eri (shoulder padding) and Yoroi Obi (padded armor belt).

    Tate-Eri crafted by Iron Mountain Armory

    Add a Leather Liner to the inside of the Do, Haidate and Suneate.

    Select between LIGHT, MEDIUM or HEAVY Suneate.
    Suneate Style Reference by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select to add 1 or 2 Chest Rings (Saihai no kan & Tenugui no kan) to your Dō, used to display tassels or hold a saihai or gunbai.
    Do Chest Rings Saihai no kan & Tenugui no kan Custom Samurai Armor Options by Iron Mountain Armory

    (Select option from the perspective of wearing the armor)

    Add 1 or 2 WAIST RINGS (holding rings) to either side of your Dō (chest plate), used to hold bags, tie a weapon, Gunbai and/or your Sarashi in place.  We recommend adding both if you are training in your armor. 
    Wist Holding Rings Options for Custom Samurai Dō by Iron Mountain Armory
    (Select option from the perspective of wearing the armor)

    Add a Banner Holder (Machi-Uke) to the back of your Gashira or Kachi Dō (chest armor) so you can attach a Sashimono (war banner) to your armor set.

    (Add Optional Wooden Banner Base)

    Chest Ornamental Options

    Select to ADD Ornate Brass Fittings to the Front Only and/or Back of your Gashira or Kachi Do (if available)

    Aida & Kiusho Brass Kanamono by Iron Mountain Armory
    Image for reference only & may vary depending on armor class / model.

    This option is for adding a "Fukurin" or decorative metal trim over the edges of your dō.
    Fukurin (Decorative Trim) Options for Dō by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select the Mon (symbol) to be painted on the front of your (chest plate).Makie Do Toyotomi Clan Gashira Samurai Armor(Option Not Available with Suna finish)

    Select the color you would like your Mon to painted.

    Chest Sizing Options

    This option changes the girth size of your Dō (chest armor).  While inhaling deeply, have an assistant wrap the tape measure under your armpits around the largest part of your chest.  In the back, you want the tape measure to wrap across your shoulder blades. The tape measure should be snug, but not tight.

    Please Note: Sizing is for reference only and may not reflect the final product. Please read the FAQs for more details.

    Adjust the armor to your Height.  Standard sizing is 5' 8" (175 CM).  Select the option closest to your actual height.  If unsure, select 1 size smaller and enter your actual size in the order comments.

    Please select the option that is closest to your weight or next weight level greater, so our armorers can better fit your armor to your body size.


    Accessory Options

    Select between Standard Narrow or Large Wide Yoroi-Obi (padded belt) to be worn under your Do.

    Add a long cloth belt used to hold your dō firmly in place for a more comfortable with and to hold weapons and other accessories to your waist.

    Select to add an Uwa-Obi (Outer Belt), used to hold your katana or other accessories.
    Uwa-Obi (Outer Belt) by Iron Mountain Armory

    Image for reference only

    Extra Customization Options

    Gashira (Officer):
    Expertly handmade from a mixture of quality traditional and modern materials, as well as some modern crafting process. This class of armor is crafted with a good attention to detail.

    Crafting Time: 20 to 35 Days.

    Materials Used: Bowl style kabuto, steel construction, traditional brocade, hemp, quality cotton, brass, copper fittings with genuine leather & and some synthetic materials might be used. (materials may differ depending on model)

    Our “Gashira Class” yoroi represents the next level up from our “Kachi Class.” Each suit is meticulously handcrafted by our experienced katchû-shi (armor smiths) at Iron Mountain Armory. These artisans pour their warrior spirit into every piece, using quality materials and traditional crafting methods, complemented by modern techniques, tools, and design advancements. Like the Taisho Class, each suit is heavily researched and crafted with great care for historical accuracy. The principal difference between the Gashira and Taisho classes is that the Gashira Class is crafted with a practical bowl-style kabuto (simulated laminate) and some machine-stamped parts. The Gashira Class also features subtle modern enhancements, such as grommets and spot welding, making the armor more robust and easier to maintain. Our Gashira Class samurai armor is made for collectors, exhibitions, re-enactors, and martial artists who desire an authentic “Gendai” samurai suit of armor without the additional expenses associated with the more traditional design and handcrafting methods of our Taisho Class.

    The Gashira Class features a more traditional Gendai design compared to the Kachi Class and includes features such as real animal hair, genuine leather, a removable or interchangeable nose, brass fittings, shoulder padding with kikko (armor plating), traditional butted mail, opposable thumbs, leg/waist support on haidate, extra materials, fittings, riveting, grommets, additional lacing options, and an included armor storage/display box (yoroi bitsu) with stand. The attention to detail is a significant step up from the Kachi Class. However, due to the handcrafted nature of many parts, there may be some blemishes that pass through our QC process. Although we strive to avoid and correct these blemishes, they are a natural occurrence in handcrafting. Taisho Class suits will have fewer, if any, of these blemishes due to the high standards and meticulous review processes.

  • For a flat fee you can add more Custom Options, making your kabuto more unique.

    If you would like to change the color of the BOTTOM PLATE of your Shikoro, you may select it here.  If not it will match the option your provided above in Shikoro Color.

    Bottom Plate Shikoro of Zunari Kabuto by Iron Mountain Armory
    (Image for reference only. Options may differ between classes and models)

    Select the Lace Color along the lower Horizontal Hanging Plates of the Shikoro (neck) and/or Tare (throat).
    Kabuto & Menpo Horizontal Lace Option by Iron Mountain Armory

    This option changes the color lace (odoshi) is used along the outer bottom edge of the neck guard
    Kabuto & Menpo Vertical Lace Option by Iron Mountain Armory

    Add an extra row of lacing to your shikoro (neck guard) for an addtional cost.Kabuto Terms and Options by Iron Mountain Armory
    If left blank it may match your MAIN LACE option selected above.

    Select the color & finish your Tare Bottom Plate (Suso no ita) will be painted.
    Menpo Details, Terms and Options

    (This option should only be chosen if you would like the throat plates to be a different color than those of the mask.)

    This option changes the Color Lace (odoshi) used for your throat guard of the mask and will replace the “MAIN LACE COLOR” option if changed.
    Menpo / Tare Lace Option by Iron Mountain Armory

    This option changes what color lace (odoshi) used on the lower lace that runs along the bottom plate of the throat guard.Menpo Details, Terms and Options
    This is different from the mimi-ito.

    Select to change the Vertical Trim Lace for your Tare.
    Tare Vertical Side Lace Option by Iron Mountain Armory
    (This is different from the Mimi-Ito.)

    Add an extra row of lacing to your tare (thoat guard) for an addtional cost.Kabuto Terms and Options by Iron Mountain Armory
    If left blank it may match your MAIN LACE option selected above.

    Select to change the Muna-ita & Waka-ita (3 upper front / back plates) color / finish.
    Muna-ita & Waka-ita (Upper Chest) Options

    (If left blank it will match the CHEST COLOR option selected above.)

    Select the style of printed leather (egawa) used on the top Chest / Back of your armor.
    Upper Chest Back Leather Option by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select the TRIM (Kawa or Asa) you want used around the Leather areas of your armor.
    Kawa Fukurin by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select the LACE (Odoshi) Color you would like for your armor. 
    Odoshi Lace for Samurai Armor by Iron Mountain Armory
    (Click through the product images to see different Lace Colors.)

    Select the Color Thread used around the lace knots. If left blank it will match the Main Lace Color.

    Thread Color

    Select the color / style of Trim / Edge used around your Tate-Eri (shoulder padding). If left blank, it will match your Main Fabric option
    Trim Option

    Image for reference only

    This option offers to make your kuzazuri (skirt plate) detachable / interchangeable.  Commonly used in the past for fast repair / replacement of the kuzazuri, or removable for fast and quiet movement of troops. Kusazuri Options

    Select the PLATE and LACE style you want for your Kusazuri / Gessan.
    Kusazuri Gessan Plate and Lacing Options by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select the Color & Finish your Kusazuri (Gessan) Bottom Plates.
    Kusazuri (Gessan) Bottom Plate Option by Iron Mountain Armory

    Select the COLOR of the VERTICAL / SIDE LACE of your Sode.

    Sode Vertical / Side Lace Options Custom Samurai Armor


Gashira Battle Samurai Armor is the first in our new battle armor series.  This armor is handcrafted from 1 to 1.5mm cold rolled, high-strength steel to meet many of the new modern combat sport safety regulations.  The kabuto, Do and haidate feature areas of overlapping plating, so the armor thickness doubles in these areas to a full 3mm thickness.  The menpo, kote and suneate feature 1mm thick tempered steel plating.  The kote, haidate and suneate can be ordered with light padding added and/or you can add your own for added protection.  The armor plating is sewn to a thick, robust hemp linen backed by a strong cotton lining for added layered protection.  If you order your armor with art. silk, it will be sewn over the robust hemp linen.

The skilled armorers at the Iron Mountain Armory have worked hard to craft a fusion of new style of modern combat armor while maintaining the traditional look and style of original samurai armor.  Please know while keeping the traditional style of samurai armor, there maybe some details which do not meat your sport requirements. For instance the menpo does not provide full facial and eye protection.  The padding used in the armor is light pillow padding which may compress in time. There are some gaps in the armor protection which we suggest adding kikko gane under armor for better protection.   Because these alterations will need to differ to meet specific requirements of different sports and because these will alter the overall protection / comfort level for the individual warrior, we believe it is best for the end user to make these modifications to best meet their own needs.

As this is a new design and addition to our product line, that we consider to be a prototype / untested in the world market, which is why we are offering a special introductory discount to our clients in hopes to receiving valuable feedback to making any needed improvements before proceeding with a new full line of Gashira Battle Samurai Armor sets.   This armor is sold without proof of claim or warranty, please use at your own risk.

Features: Gashira Class crafting

  • Full sized and fully functional.
  • Variation of paint, high quality cotton odoshi colors and traditional features.
  • Includes display box and stand.

Average Part Weight: (varies with size and other options selected)

  • Kabuto: 3.72 kg
  • Menpo: 620 grams
  • Do: 10.37 kg
  • Sode: 2.35 kg
  • Kote: 1.61 kg
  • Haidate: 2.6 kg
  • Suneate: 1.5 kg
  • Overall weight:  22.77 kg (average)

Our skilled katchu-shi (armorers) at the Iron Mountain Armory will need at least 8 to 12 weeks, depending on options selected, and other scheduled orders, for the custom handcrafting of your samurai armor set.

Additional information
Weight 31 kg
Dimensions 52 × 54 × 56 cm
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Unless otherwise noted in the product description, LSE contracts Iron Mountain Armory China to hand make and ship all products. Iron Mountain Armory will drop ship directly to recipient worldwide. Shipping rates and times depend on selected courier / service, individual products, weight / size of item(s) and other details. Delivery times are not guaranteed.  Orders are packed and shipped with care. Because we ship worldwide and regulations differ between countries, sometimes extra time is needed when preparing and shipping your package. We make every effort to ship each order in a timely manner.

For more information please review our Shipping &Delivery Policy.