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Byo-Toji Yoko-Hagi Hara-ate Do Taisho Class Original price was: $649.99.Current price is: $584.99. $584.99

Yokohagi-ita Hara-ate Do Taisho Class

Original price was: $609.99.Current price is: $549.99.

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Yokohagi-ita Hara-ate Do is a tosei (modern post 1550) cuirass made from horizontal plates which covers the front and side of the torso.  This style of Do (cuirass) dates back to the early 13th century and is a hybrid of the original haramaki Do (belly protector cuirass). The tosei hara-ate do was very likely a standard ni-mai do (2 section cuirass) with the backside removed and 2 adjustable straps added, to be worn while traveling or parading through safer areas.  It was used by the samurai retainers of Daimyo and other high-ranking samurai as an economical, lightweight yoroi (armor). Into the peaceful Edo Era this style of yoroi would have likely been used during the marches to and from the capital.  When worn with a jinbaori (vest) the back is covered and appears as a normal full ni-mai do (2 section cuirass) is being worn.

Select from the many custom options to design your own Yokohagi-ita Hara-ate Do and the armorers at Iron Mountain Armory will be very happy to handcraft your custom yoroi for you.  The hara-ate do is perfect for martial artists wanting to add a yoroi to their training, as well as historical re-enactors, cosplay and samurai enthusiast.  This style of yoroi can be worn by itself or you can add sangu (armor parts) to give it the more full armor set. We recommend adding an uba-obi and sarashi to your order with this item.  Does not include box, stand or obi-belt.


  • Traditional Design
  • Fully Adjustable Straps
  • Customization Available

CHEST MONSThis Samurai Do can be ordered with a Mon painted onto the front plate. For an extra fee, you can select one from our list of Standard Mon’s, or have your own Crest applied for an additional fee.

To have your own Mon painted: #1:  Select the “Custom Mon” option. #2: Complete the purchase through our Shopping Cart. #3: Send a high quality image of the Mon / Logo to the confirmation email you receive from us.

Note: We hand paint these Mon’s, and they can only be simple “Clip-Art” style designs in a single color. If you would like a Mon but select a “Suna” type paint color, your Mon image may turn out blurry due to the paint texture.

Ordering Tips: We recommend that you order one size larger AND one size shorter than the size required, if you are between height options. The armor is close fitting.  It can close into itself if too big, or be a little uncomfortable if fitted too tall. If you’re planning on wearing a yoroi hitatare or a kikko gane do under the armor, we suggest adding 10 cm to your chest size when ordering.  The Okegawa-Do features a pin hinge under the left armpit, which can be removed and a cord attached to make it a traditional Ni-Mai style Do.

For more information, please review our Order Options Explained, Glossary Terms or FAQ Pages. You can also Contact Us directly. We are always happy to be of service.

References:  “Samurai Armour: Volume I: The Japanese Cuirass” by Trevor Absolon  /  “Art of the Samurai: Japanese Arms and Armor, 1156-1868″ by Kazutoshi Harada, Metropolitan Museum of Art 



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