Tatami Hitai Ate Kusari by Iron Mountain Armory
Tatami Hitaiate Kusari
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Satsuma Rebellion Taisho Yoroi

5 reviews

Original price was: $2,799.99.Current price is: $2,464.00. $2,464.00

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T11 – Satsuma Rebellion Samurai Armor

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Satsuma Rebellion, or “Seinan War” was the final rebellion of disaffected and mostly unemployed samurai, against the new Imperial Government of Japan during the beginning of the Meiji Restoration (1603–1867).  This 8 month long samurai rebellion ended  after its leader, Saigō Takamori, was mortally wounded and committed seppuku shortly after. Saigō’s rebellion was made famous by the movie “The Last Samurai”.

These high quality taisho class samurai armor sets are crafted by the highly skilled katchu-shi (Japanese armorer) of the Iron Mountain Armory. Crafted in both honor of the samurai of the Satsuma Rebellion (Saigo’s rebellion) and the  北辰一刀流兵法 / Hokushin Itto-Ryu Hyoho schoolThe Hokushin Itto-ryu is one of the very few traditional koryu (old samurai schools of warfare) which still preserve an authentic katchu-bujutsu curriculum and actively teach traditional armored battlefield fighting techniques to their students. We encourage anyone wanting to study true and traditional martial arts of the samurai to visit their detailed website to learn more about the history, techniques and philosophy of the Hokushin Itto-ryu Hyoho. www.hokushinittoryu.com

Many of the warrior Samurai during the Seinan war (Satsuma rebellion) used the tosei  (modern / post 1540) style samurai armor which consisted of a ni-mai (2 section) Do (cuirass) which was tied closed under both armpits. They featured wider and thicker 8 ken (plate) kabuto riveted together to create a strong hachi (bowl) style kabuto (helmet).  Our katchu-shi will be honored to craft and customize this historically accurate samurai armor set for you. Select from the many different paint, lace, kabuto, accessories and sizing options to make your samurai armor set unique to you. Please be certain to review our FAQ and Order Options Explained page or to Contact Us if you have any questions before placing your order.

Features: Taisho Class quality.

  • Full sized and fully functional.
  • Variation of paint, art silk odoshi colors and traditional features.
  • Includes display box and stand.
  • Standard Mon option is #21
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