Hachi Goshozan is an economical hachi “bowl” kabuto crafted by the Iron Mountain Armory. Traditionally known as “Ichi Mai-bari Suji-fuse Kabuto” the hachi is crafted from a single piece of steel in the shape of a Goshozan kabuto. It is then decorated with suji (ribs) to imitate the raised ridges on a suji-bachi (laminated bowl) and byo toji (decorative rivets). You can request raised suji which will be simulated with copper tubing or flat suji (as seen in the picture) with metal stirps. When finished the Hachi Goshozan kabuto appears to be very similar to a Suji-Bachi kabuto but much more economical. This style of kabuto features a tôsei-mabisashi āchi (Arched Modern Visor), which became the style in the late Sengoku era (waring state).
Ichi Mai-bari Suji-fuse Kabuto originally appeared during the Heian period (794 ~1185) but was less protective and more decorative than the multi plated suji-bachi kabuto. Because of this it lost popularity until the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868), when armor became more decorative over functional.
The gashira katchû-shi (armorer) make the shikoro in the traditional method of hand cutting lames of steel, hammering, polishing, painting and finally hand lacing a quality cotton odoshi, using the color of your choice. The ukebari (helmet lining) of the Hachi Goshozan is then carefully fitted to the inside of the hachi (bowl of helmet) to finish the kabuto. Please feel free to select your choice of mengu (facial armor).
Please note the product images shows a simulated flat 8 ken (plate) Hachi-Goshozan kabuto with all options. You can request more simulated plates. Optional byo-toji (raised rivets) can be added to the hachi. Mayu (embossed eye brows) can be added to the visor, giving your Hachi Gozhozan a more unique look. For an extra touch of class, a copper fukurin (edging) can be added as well. Your clan pride be displayed by selecting to add your clan mon (heraldic symbol) to the maedate (crest) and Sueomon (small heraldic symbols) or select “custom” to add your own symbol. To receive your kabuto as pictured, you will need to enable these options when ordering. You can upgrade to real plating, making this into a full Goshozan Hari-Bachi Kabuto via the options.
Features: Gashira Class Hachi Goshozan.
- Variation of paint, cotton odoshi colors and features.
- Full sized and fully functional.
- Includes portable stand.
Our skilled katchû-shi (armorers) at the Iron Mountain Armory will need at least 2 to 4 weeks, depending on options selected, and other scheduled orders, for the custom handcrafting of your yoroi. |
For more information, please review our Order Options Explained, Glossary Terms or FAQ Pages. You can also Contact Us directly. We are always happy to be of service. |
It’s great, but the inner lining is bit tilted though.
Great choice for a very well-made Kabuto. The simulated plates look real and the rivets give it an impressive look. I can tell there was an eye for detail when crafting it. I recommend Iron Mountain Armory 100%. Not only was I impressed with the products but the customer service was on point. All the advice received and questions answered before my purchase helped me a great deal before I placed my order.